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Dear parents,


We need you !!


Would you like to be a real part of the school life? Would you like to know more about the place, where your kid or kids spend nearly 8 hours per day? Are you keen to help them for events, parties or the after-school services (périscolaire)? Or, if you are more a number person, helping to keep the books of the APE? Or, if you are more the geek type, giving a hand to embellish this website?


Every one of you are most welcome to become a part of the parent’s association. We really need more mothers and fathers actively involved in our organization.


All the talks and thoughts about participation: this is an opportunity to make it happen!


Its maybe not well known amongst all parents but the APE organizes the Lunchbox and the after-school service, and there are always things needed to be done!


If you want to invest some time and energy in a very helpful job that would take you around 10 hours per month, please contact us and send the attached application form at



And if you would like to become a full member of the APE-Team, we invite you to present your candidacy at the beginning of next school year. Once a year, at the general assembly, the APE Team is elected.


We invite all parents for our next general assembly on September 10th, 2020 at 6 p.m. at school. Please save this date. From August, you can pay your membership fee again on our homepage


We would also like invite you for a picnic in a new format on September 18th, at 5 p.m. Please save this date as well.


We are looking very much forward to making life at the EES even more attractive for our kids with your help.


Thanks so much in advance and see you soon,

Your APE Team

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